The cutest thing

Caleb De La Cruz P.
2 min readJul 19, 2020

Today I saw the cutest thing. He was so small. He was wearing big glasses and missing a couple of front teeth. He was wearing a smile and missing any preoccupation. His little hand, curl around the strong big arm of her mother next to him and amidst all the chaos that the NY subway can have, the mom slightly leaned into his precious treasure, grabbed his bag with one hand, and with the other grab a book.

I am sitting right in front of her and I cannot hear what “The Canary Caper” is about, but I am dying to know. The eyes of the boy are lost in its pages, while the mom, keeps creating this parallel universe.

Few things could compare to the beauty of that little kid, dress completely in the color of happiness. With his huge glasses and his tiny hand. His little curls, coil around themselves while creating this amazing little afro. His blameless skin shines as the light of the sun lays on him. His little feet dangle from the seat, intertwined, in a slow back and forth rocking. His big glasses lay on his big perfect nose. And his eyes, his cute black eyes are lost in the pages of that magical book.

Today I saw the cutest thing, a black kid.

